Hygiene Test in Finland

Hygiene Passport is a Food Hygiene Proficiency card/certificate issued by Finnish Food Safety Authority –EVIRA. Hygiene proficiency or knowledge of basic food hygiene is essential for all the personnel working in food business. Cafeterias, institutional kitchens, restaurant, food stores, food factory, and all those places handling unpackaged easily perishable food require a Hygiene Passport. Employee can get a hygiene passport beforehand or within 3 months of commencing work. It is better to have a Hygiene Passport beforehand you apply for any food related work /restaurant etc.
Hygiene proficiency test is a 40 true/false statements out of which participants must score at least 34 to accomplish the test successfully. The test mainly consists of the following seven sub-fields (Microbiology ; Food poisonings ;Hygienic work practices ; Personal hygiene ;Sanitation ;Own-check practices at food premises ;Finnish food legislation and authorities. The test result is flashed on the same day after the exam. A certificate is awarded on the same day if you pass the test; the card is posted to your address within a couple of weeks. You can re-register for the next test if you fail the test.
The following online portals will assist you in getting Hygiene Passport.
    1. Hygienepassport.fi --- Click here to Register for a Hygiene Proficiency test--
    2. List of Proficiency Examiners -  You can also register through this people.
    3. Proficiency examiners arranging tests in Various languages
    4. Tranify.fi – Click here to train online for HP test examination
    5. Evira.fi – The Finnish food safety authority-deatail information on Hygienepassi.
    6. Sample question Hygiene Proficiency test.
    7. Model Question and answer Hygiene Proficiency Test.
    8. Model Certificate.
Proof of identification is to be presented while taking a hygiene proficiency test.  Click here for the test information and proof of identification