Study in Finland, Additional Application 2021. Apply asap to grab your place.


The joint application for 2021 studies has ended on 20th January,2021. However some UAS still accept your study application as a direct application. 

Direct application to UAS or separate application is an application made directly to the concerned university of applied sciences in Finland. 

Unlike joint application where you can apply upto 6 different UAS, here you can apply to just 1 UAS at a time. Currently there are 3 UAS offering study application  for student outside Finland, you can apply to all the 3 UAS.

Applying for studies is free in Finland, you can do it all by yourself , you just need a laptop and a good internet connection. You can apply directly to the following universities of applied sciences. Click on the link to get to the application page. Check our youtube tutorials on how to apply.

Additional application 2021:

1. HAMK Direct Application, spring 2021: Bachelor of Engineering,Business,Natural resources. You can apply to all the available studies.  Apply before may 17 or asap.

2. SeAMK Direct Application 2021  : Bachelor in Business, Engineering. You can apply 1 or both programmes. Apply before april 16.

3. KAMK Separate Application  spring 2021:  Bachelor in Business,Hospitality, Sport. You can apply only 1 studies. Apply before 23rd April.

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